COSMOS Fantasy - Throne of Cofain



Hex 88: mountains
   4103(Mo) Giants: 30/100%/100%
Hex 90: wooded hills (PI)
   Mermaid Cove [1811(PI)]: size 3 of 5
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
      3610(PI) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3611(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3612(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3613(PI) City Guard (Archers): 100/100%/100%
Hex 92: desert (DT)
   Oasis [1817(DT)]
        interior terrain: desert
      3905(DT) Hero: 10 w.p./100%
      3906(DT) Desert Men: 100/100%/100%
      3907(DT) Desert Men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 107: mountains
   4116(Mo) Trolls: 40/100%/100%
Hex 111: desert (DT)
   Oasis [1816(DT)]
        interior terrain: desert
        wall rating:1 strength:3
      3901(DT) Hero: 10 w.p./100%
      3902(DT) Desert Men: 100/100%/100%
      3903(DT) Desert Men: 100/100%/100%
      3904(DT) Desert Men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 112: desert (DT)
   4201(GI) Giant Scorpions: 40/100%/100%
Hex 128: woods (GE)
   Emerald [1803(GE)]: size 6 of 10
        interior terrain: woods
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      3301(GE*) King Oakwood (Lord of the Woods): 12 w.p./100%
      3303(GE) Elven Wolfmaster: 10 w.p./100%
      3309(GE) Elven Ranger: 12 w.p./100%
      3311(GE) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
      3312(GE) Elven Wolfriders: 50/100%/100%
Hex 129: wooded hills (GE)
   Virescent Castle [1853(GE)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3302(GE+) Prince Greenleaves (Lord of the Woods): 12 w.p./100%
      3310(GE) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
Hex 147: hills
   4104(Mo) Minotaurs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 149: mountains
   4202(GI) Giant Spiders: 40/100%/100%
   4203(GI) Giant Spiders: 30/100%/100%
Hex 150: mountains (MD)
   Castle Rockguard [1855(MD)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:5 strength:18
      3506(MD) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3507(MD) Dwarven Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3508(MD) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 150/100%/100%
   Gold Mine [1861(MD)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 151: high mountains
   4105(Mo) Giants: 30/100%/100%
Hex 152: hills (WG)
   Albescent [1807(WG)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:4 strength:12
      Albescent Keep [1854(WG)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3402(WG+) Lord Ruby (Gnome Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3411(WG) Gnome Archers: 100/100%/100%
Hex 153: farmlands (WG)
   Candent [1804(WG)]: size 8 of 15
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:4 strength:12
      3401(WG*) King Diamond (Gnome Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3403(WG) Fireweaver (Gnome Wizard): 10 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:10 fire mana:20
      3408(WG) Gnome Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3409(WG) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3410(WG) Gnome Warriors: 100/100%/100%
      3412(WG) Dwarven Infantry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 167: plains (FH)
   Fairplain [1812(FH)]: size 3 of 6
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:1 strength:4
      3701(FH) General: 8 w.p./100%
      3702(FH) Heavy Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3703(FH) Crossbowmen: 150/100%/100%
      3704(FH) Guard Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3705(FH) City Guard (Crossbowmen): 50/100%/100%
Hex 168: woods
   4204(GI) Giant Ants: 400/100%/100%
Hex 170: hills (MD)
   Dwarfhold [1808(MD)]: size 5 of 8
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:4 strength:12
      3501(MD) Dwarven Lord: 12 w.p./100%
      3502(MD) Dwarven Infantry: 150/100%/100%
      3503(MD) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 150/100%/100%
      3504(MD) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3505(MD) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 171: mountains
   4108(Mo) Giants: 40/100%/100%
Hex 174: jungle
   4207(GI) Giant Ants: 350/100%/100%
Hex 185: farmlands (BK)
   Azure [1801(BK)]: size 8 of 15
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      Azure Castle [1851(BK)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3101(BK*) Lord Turquoise (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      3103(BK) High Priest: 10 w.p./100%
           Resources: holy mana:30
      3104(BK) Court Wizard: 8 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:10 fire mana:20
      3108(BK) Knight: 10 w.p./100%
      3109(BK) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3111(BK) Heavy Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      3112(BK) Pikemen: 50/100%/100%
      3113(BK) Heavy Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 187: woods
   4011(Go) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
   4012(Go) Hobgoblins: 100/100%/100%
Hex 188: hills
   4106(Mo) Centaurs: 90/100%/100%
Hex 189: woods (Go)
   Krunkk [1819(Go)]: size 3 of 6
        interior terrain: wooded hills
        city trade rating: 4
      4006(Go) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
      4007(Go) Hobgoblins: 100/100%/100%
      4008(Go) Hobgoblins: 100/100%/100%
   4009(Go) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
   4010(Go) Goblin Wolfriders: 100/100%/100%
Hex 191: woods
   4109(Mo) Centaurs: 80/100%/100%
Hex 193: plains (FH)
   Southshore [1813(FH)]: size 3 of 6
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      3706(FH) General: 8 w.p./100%
      3707(FH) Heavy Infantry: 200/100%/100%
      3708(FH) Pikemen: 200/100%/100%
      3709(FH) Guard Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3710(FH) City Guard (Crossbowmen): 100/100%/100%
Hex 208: hills
   4205(GI) Giant Spiders: 50/100%/100%
Hex 209: mountains
   Gold Mine [1864(Mo)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4101(Mo) Darklings: 100/100%/100%
      4102(Mo) Darklings: 100/100%/100%
Hex 210: wooded hills (Go)
   Krakk [1818(Go)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: wooded hills
        city trade rating: 5
        city walls: rating:1 strength:4
      4001(Go) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
      4002(Go) Hobgoblins: 75/100%/100%
      4003(Go) Hobgoblins: 75/100%/100%
      4004(Go) Goblins: 100/100%/100%
      4005(Go) Goblins: 100/100%/100%
Hex 211: wooded hills
   4206(GI) Giant Ants: 400/100%/100%
Hex 212: hills (FH)
   Hillford [1814(FH)]: size 2 of 5
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:1 strength:4
      3711(FH) Hero: 10 w.p./100%
      3712(FH) Hill Men: 75/100%/100%
      3713(FH) Hill Men: 75/100%/100%
      3714(FH) Woodsmen: 75/100%/100%
      3715(FH) Woodsmen: 75/100%/100%
Hex 215: hills (PI)
   Crossbones Keep [1856(PI)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:3 strength:10
      3614(PI) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3615(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3616(PI) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3617(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3618(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3619(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
   Gold Mine [1863(PI)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 226: hills (BK)
   Sapphire [1805(BK)]: size 4 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      3102(BK+) Lord Steel (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      3110(BK) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 227: wooded hills
   4111(Mo) Minotaurs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 230: mountains
   4013(Go) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
   4014(Go) Goblin Wolfriders: 70/100%/100%
Hex 248: mountains
   4112(Mo) Giants: 35/100%/100%
Hex 249: hills (HV)
   Northhill Keep [1857(HV)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:12
      3806(HV) General: 8 w.p./100%
      3807(HV) Heavy Infantry: 150/100%/100%
      3808(HV) Heavy Infantry: 150/100%/100%
   Gold Mine [1862(HV)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 250: plains (HV)
   3809(HV) General: 8 w.p./100%
   3810(HV) Medium Cavalry: 100/100%/100%
Hex 251: mountains
   4113(Mo) Giants: 50/100%/100%
Hex 252: swamp
   4114(Mo) Bog Crabs: 80/100%/100%
Hex 254: farmlands (RW)
   Vermilion [1802(RW)]: size 7 of 16
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      Vermilion Keep [1852(RW)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3201(RW*) Lord Crimson (Warlord): 10 w.p./100%
      3208(RW) Grand Mahout: 8 w.p./100%
      3209(RW) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3210(RW) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3211(RW) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      3213(RW) Elephant Riders: 20/100%/100%
Hex 269: plains (HV)
   Eastvale [1815(HV)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      3801(HV) Noble: 8 w.p./100%
      3802(HV) Heavy Infantry: 200/100%/100%
      3803(HV) Crossbowmen: 200/100%/100%
      3804(HV) Guard Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3805(HV) City Guard (Crossbowmen): 150/100%/100%
Hex 272: swamp
   4115(Mo) Swamp Thing: 36 w.p./100%
Hex 273: plains (RW)
   Carmine [1806(RW)]: size 5 of 9
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      3202(RW+) Lord Blood (Warlord): 10 w.p./100%
      3203(RW) The Red Mage: 8 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:30
      3212(RW) Heavy Infantry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 307: wooded hills (PI)
   Skulltown [1809(PI)]: size 2 of 4
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
      3606(PI) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3607(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3608(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3609(PI) City Guard (Crossbowmen): 50/100%/100%
Hex 329: plains (PI)
   Flatisle [1810(PI)]: size 4 of 7
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:1 strength:4
      3601(PI) Pirate Lord: 10 w.p./100%
      3602(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3603(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3604(PI) Pirates: 100/100%/100%
      3605(PI) City Guard (Crossbowmen): 50/100%/100%